Capital Program

Capital Outlay Plan

The primary objective of the Multi-Year Capital Plan for the California State University (CSU) is to:

  • Provide facilities appropriate to the CSU’s approved educational programs,
  • To create environments conducive to learning, and
  • To ensure that the quality and quantity of facilities at the 23 campuses serve the students equally well.

CPDC collaborates across cabinet areas to prepare and submit a Multi-Year Capital Plan (formerly the annual Five-Year Plan) to the university president for submission to the Chancellor’s Office. The plan includes new buildings and renovations, infrastructure improvements, and preventative and deferred maintenance.

Please note that not all of the approved projects are funded due to the limited resources available. Projects included in the current version of these lists that are in italics have previously received approval from the Board of Trustees, and projects in red italics have received prior approval from both the Board of Trustees and Department of Finance. Because these projects have already been approved, they are included in the current Multi-Year Capital Plan in order to identify their need for funding and provide information on the current outstanding sytemwide priority needs and not for specific project approval.


Space and Facilities Database (SFDB)

The California State University Space and Facilities Database (SFDB)​ is a CSU systemwide inventory of campuses’ physical resources that serves as the official CSU central record for current physical inventory. CPDC coordinates campus facility planning through the development and management of the SFDB. This database, updated annually, is a key component in determining the need for capital improvement projects as well as equitable space distribution across campus. The campus physical master plan and the various capital improvement projects are based, in part, on information obtained from the SFDB.

Each campus maintains its own space and facilities inventory that provides planning and management data. The data provided by each campus during an annual reporting period to the SFDB, which is maintained at the Chancellor’s Office, provides information about facilities and rooms within the facilities.

The SFDB serves as the campuses’ official record of existing spaces. The SFDB is used in the

  • analysis of space needs
  • analysis of the capital outlay budget change proposals (COBCP)
  • space utilization and other space and facilities-related issues and reports
  • custodial funding basis
  • private-use reporting

Any proposed changes to space that will change the use, size, or capacity must be coordinated with CPDC. Authorization to change a space must be received prior to the start of any projects that will impact the activity the space was built to accommodate.


Space Standards

The CSU Space Standards are based on the state's guidelines to help the campus plan and budget for physical capacity space during the programming of a new facility. Space Standards can help define the room use and assignable square footage of lecture, teaching lab, and office spaces and can be applied to analyze the space needs and entitlement of the campus.





Ron Kirkpatrick, Director of Capital Planning and Special Projects
Nicholas Holmes, Associate Planner / Project Manager